european history of log cabins|-澳门凯发

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european history of log cabins

author:hklong  source:  published:2013-08-23 14:40

historically log construction has its roots in scandinavia and eastern europe. although their origin is uncertain, the first log structures were probably built in northern europe in the bronze age (about 3500 bc). by the time europeans began to settle in north america, they had a long tradition of using logs for houses, barns, and other outbuildings in the scandinavian countries, germany, northern russia and ukraine.

by stacking tree trunks one on top of another and overlapping the logs at the corners, people made the "log cabin". they developed interlocking corners by notching the logs at the ends, resulting in strong structures that were easier to make weather-tight by inserting moss or other soft material into the joints. as the original coniferous forest extended over the coldest parts of the world, there was a prime need to keep these houses warm. the insulating properties of the solid wood were a great advantage over a timber frame construction covered with animal skins, felt, boards or shingles. over the decades, increasingly complex joints were developed to ensure more weather tight joints between the logs, but the profiles were still largely based on the round log.


in the present-day united states, settlers first constructed log cabins in 1638. swedish settlers in new sweden (present-day wilmington, delaware) used log structures. later german and ukrainian immigrants also used this technique. the scots and scots-irish had no tradition of building with logs, but they quickly adopted the method. the first english settlers did not widely use log cabins, building in forms more traditional to them,fewlog cabins dating from the 18th century still stand, but they were not intended as permanent dwellings. possibly the oldest surviving log house in the united states is the c. a. nothnagle log house (ca. 1640) in new jersey. when settlers built their larger, more formal houses, they often converted the first log cabins to outbuildings, such as chicken coops, animal shelters, or other utilitarian purposes.

when cabins were built with the intention of applying siding, the logs were usually hewed on the outside to facilitate the application of the siding. when logs were hewed on the inside as well, they were often covered with a variety of materials, ranging from plaster over lath to wallpaper.(from wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)


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the wood museum in trondheim, norway, displays fourteen different traditional profiles, but a basic form of log construction was used all over north europe and asia. early settlers used such methods of log building in north america. it became a popular form of construction for pioneers' settling in the far north and the more mountainous parts of united states and canada, where winter conditions were often extreme.[4]

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